06 de May de 2022 Sem categoria

Bill that regulates the cryptocurrency market is approved – ThinkFuture Radar 05/06/2022

Forwarded to the House Representatives, the text suggest a definition for “virtual assets”

This week, the Senate approved the Bill No. 4.401/2021, which aims to regulate the cryptocurrency market in the country. The text, now sent to the House of Representatives, suggests a definition for “virtual assets”, bringing different guidelines to be considered for crypto-active exchanges studies; and also deals with the premises of the Federal Administration body or entity that will be responsible for defining the assets and authorize the realization of other services related to these activities. In addition, it arranges frauds linked to cryptocurrencies, through changes in the Criminal Code. If sanctioned, the Bill will bring significant changes to the cryptocurrency market in Brazil. With the support of the Research & Content front of ThinkFuture, our innovation program, TozziniFreire has been constantly advising companies that work or intend to work in the brazilian crypto market.

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