Our Advanced Solutions core provides TozziniFreire’s clients a cutting-edge experience in projects carried out by the firm. We embed legal technology, visual law, data science, legal design, and agile methodologies into our legal services in order to guarantee interdisciplinarity, efficiency, and objectivity to every deliver. All of this without giving up the excellence that has always been part of TozziniFreire’s activities.
Advanced Solutions

Activities and Projects

Analytics and Data Science
Analytics and data science projects for litigation, due diligence and research. We perform in-depth analysis of large datasets to drive clients and lawyers towards a more accurate decision-making.

Visual Law and Information Design
We apply graphic design and information design to all types of legal documents, such as petitions, agreements, policies, terms, memorials, legal opinions, presentations and memoranda.

Dashboards and BI
We create intuitive dashboards and regulatory reports to present the risks and legal scenario for business development in all economic sectors in Brazil.

We develop automation tools and decision trees to apply them in memos, legal opinions and document assembly, thus favoring the interaction of clients with the results.
All cases developed by ThinkFuture are custom and tailor-made, granting the efficiency and quality that is a trademark of all services carried out by TozziniFreire.
Here are a few examples of services and jobs delivered between 2021 and 2022 (clients’ names are hidden for confidentiality purposes):
• | Support for a large retail chain in regulatory monitoring regarding business restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic; we have delivered a full intuitive report and a dynamic dashboard for data viewing, totally in-house developed.
• | We assisted a client that, during an M&A deal, had a need to precisely analyze the litigation risks that were already mapped in a due diligence process. ThinkFuture studied the risks of more than 250 lawsuits to provide a graphic report with information regarding regions, cities, and major claims with high-risk potential.
• | For a global company of the food sector, we developed a decision tree to grant a better dynamic viewing of information about a potential tax liability. We have programed all variables into an in-house system based on a legal document elaborated by TozziniFreire’s tax partners, so the client would be able to know the impact of this procedure in different scenarios.
• | Aside TozziniFreire’s compliance practice, we have developed a pack of documents to be used with clients of a big technology company. For the documents, ThinkFuture applied graphical and information design (visual law) to help the understanding of information there provided, using the client’s visual identity and branding.
• | We apply visual law (information and graphic design) in documents that many legal practices require, for instance: a labor legal opinion about performance bonuses to executives; a graphic memorial for a large-profile litigation case to be examined by the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice; an intuitive presentation to be used at a procedure against CADE (Brazilian antitrust authority); a legal opinion about taxation depending on the type of product; among others.
We are committed to enhancing the client’s experience when hiring our legal services, applying technology and design to TozziniFreire’s works. To know more about our cases and how we can help in future initiatives, feel free to reach us through the form below.